Tag Archives: self improvement

Is the Law of Attraction a Scam?

loa scam

“When people start to learn and apply the Law of Attraction, make it too complex or difficult on themselves, try it for 2 days, and give up because of unsatisfactory results”  states Law of Attraction Enthusiast Ivan Jones.

What people don’t get is that it’s an incremental process. This process is not a daunting one, but does require your commitment and perseverance.
Doing small little things that aren’t hard or time consuming, and doing them on a day to day basis over a period of more than just 2 short days, can have you see a difference in your life.

For the past 6 months Jones studied of the Law of Attraction in an experiment to  change his life and manifest his dreams.
Besides reading a lot of books, he attended seminars by John Asseraf, Harrison Klein and Dr. John Demartini.

But does six months of study making him an expert?

He believes he has cracked the code and he feels that he now wants to give back to the world, and share the secrets of the universe.

“There’s more to learn about the law that you’ll ever learn in an entire lifetime, but that shouldn’t stop you. I want to stress to people, by tackling the law step by step and doing simple exercises on a day to day basis can have you see massive results down the road. Even though it might not seem like much at first, it all adds up.”

“It’s not difficult to adopt the Law of Attraction into your life. I’ve had it been explained to me in easy-to-get terms. You really can have, do or be anything you want in this life and I want to show you the steps you need to take to get you there.”

Ivan emphasizes the initial steps towards activating the Law of Attraction as the most crucial.Sounds wonderful. Yet, how come there are all those extra Laws that the guru’s are suddenly telling us about?

True,  many of the other Laws really only help keep you either aligned to purpose or remove psychological resistances.

Is Ivan Jones simply cashing in on a gullible market?

Checking his website, http://www.FinallyGettingWhatYouWant.com, he offers a free report – the usual email grabbing device, although the fact he links to Awebber suggests he is serious.

However, check the contact us, and privacy policy links and they lead to a dead end 404 error page.


Perhaps he has not learned how to manifest marketing techniques yet.

Signup and you get linked to the report, affirmation cards and the usual bonuses of As A Man Thinketh, Think And Grow Rich, The Master Key System and the Science Of Getting Rich-which you can get free anywhere anyhow.

Low and behold you are then sent to Bob Proctors 11 forgotten secrets.

Now I have absolutely nothing against Bob. However, I find myself thinking that Ivan Jones is just using old information to get a few emails to make back end sales with a list.

Well, I hope I’m wrong.

What’s your experience with Ivan jones? Is he the real deal?
Can you  tell me?